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My background as a research engineer/scientist makes me like data and “proof” of something. Also, one of my top strengths according to Strength Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath is Maximizer. I love to take something that is “good” and make it “great” (including people’s lives). And I pride myself on being as efficient as possible (to the point that I drive my husband crazy with this). SO I wanted to know, does life coaching really work? What are the statistics?

Here is an infographic that provides data to support the value of working with a life coach:

does life coaching really work

The first two statistics say:

“99% of clients who hire a life coach are satisfied” and

“96% would hire a life coach again.”

These numbers sound almost impossible but my take away is that for the vast majority of people who try life coaching, they ARE satisfied with it.

Based on my personal experience in working with a life coach I agree with the satisfaction and value of it. (The disclaimer is that you still need to do the work.)

For example, I consider myself very disciplined and good at doing what I say I am going to do. Yet, a life coach has helped me get even more done, more quickly because I have someone else holding me accountable. It is amazing what a deadline will do for motivation and taking action. Coaching pushes me outside my comfort zone which is where real growth occurs. Working with a coach has helped me make changes more quickly than working on something without one.

A life coach points out and helps me notice limiting beliefs or unconscious things that are not beneficial to me. A life coach tells me the truth and calls me out on my own BS and self-defeating ways. It is much harder to do this without a coach because I don’t know what is holding me back.

For me, having a life coach has been invaluable. It provides a safe space where I can voice my fears, frustrations and struggles. It has helped me change beliefs and mindsets that were holding me back or making my life more difficult than it needed to be. What I love most about life coaching is that it provides clarity on what is most important to me.

Life Coaching works because it gives you a clear definition of what you REALLY want and WHY you want it. It forces you to take time and make changes for something you want. Knowing WHAT you want and WHY you want it are both extremely important. A life coach will help you leverage your why into action. Life coaching helps you come up with smarter solutions and gives you tools to change your beliefs, behaviors, habits and get results.

If you heard that something has a 90%+ satisfaction rate, isn’t it worth a try?

I recommend that you to schedule a free coaching session to see what it is for yourself.

Have a fabulous 4th of July Holiday!

Wishing you the very best,

P.S. Not all of these posts will be about Life Coaching. I will also be sharing things I have learned, books I have read, and financial information that I hope will be of value and worth your time. If you have a topic or question or recommendations on how to make these articles better, please send them to me.