What is Success?

What is Success?

Reading Time: 4 minutes This week’s question is related to, but different than my last one (What is Enough?). Today’s question is “What is Success for You?”  Or “How Would You Define Success?”  What does that mean for you and your life?  What comes to mind? If you say...
What is Enough?

What is Enough?

Reading Time: 4 minutes “What is Enough?” is a question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. Let’s start with the definition of enough.  According to the Marriam-Webster dictionary, enough means “occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Reading Time: 3 minutes The start of a new school year has always felt like a bigger deal to me than January 1.  My boys start school after Labor Day.  (Yes, I know that many people have already been in school for a month, but in my world, our new beginning is just...
Surviving Divorce

Surviving Divorce

Reading Time: 3 minutes Getting through and surviving my divorce was the hardest thing I have ever done to date in my life. Here are my words of advice to someone going through that or who will go through it. 1.  Give yourself permission and make the time and space to...
Keep Hope

Keep Hope

Reading Time: 3 minutes My Dear Reader,First, thank you for taking some of your precious time to read this.  I want it to be worth your while.I want to share with you some words of advice.  Yes, I know talk is cheap (and easy) but this advice did not come easily. ...