WHY Do You Want More Money?

WHY Do You Want More Money?

Reading Time: 3 minutes These articles are usually questions that I ask myself. The past couple of weeks I have been pondering this question. Do I / we want more money?  If we had more money, what would we do with it?  Would that make us any happier?  Can we start...
Is Your Financial House In Order?

Is Your Financial House In Order?

Reading Time: 3 minutes October is Financial Planning month.  (In addition to Breast Cancer Awareness and Emotional Wellness month and probably many others that I don’t know about.) Here is a quick Financial Planning list to review and see if you may need to...
Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am wishing you and your loved ones a truly wonderful and relaxing Labor Day Weekend!  I hope you can enjoy the last few days of summer.   I always view the start of school as the “REAL” new year since it is filled with so many...
Do You Have A “Number”?

Do You Have A “Number”?

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am assuming you have seen the commercial that shows people walking around carrying a “number”.  This number represents the amount of money someone wants or needs in order to “retire.” I haven’t written about finances or money in a long while...
Financial Trouble

Financial Trouble

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is the last article I will write about finances and divorce, at least for a while, but I still felt like I had a little more to say on this topic. Of course everything is always better if we are proactive and doing the right thing with our...
Financial Tips for a Divorce

Financial Tips for a Divorce

Reading Time: 3 minutes After my last article on Surviving Divorce, a wise friend sent me a reminder to add to the list – “get someone to sit down with you and organize your financial life – the assets you are to receive, the debt you may have accumulated...