Keep Showing Up

Keep Showing Up

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Keep Showing up” is a common thought that keeps going through my head lately. Depending on the moment, I feel like I am in varying degrees of struggle and I don’t think I am the only one. I truly believe that if you keep showing up and doing...
The Loaves and Fishes Miracle

The Loaves and Fishes Miracle

Reading Time: 2 minutes In church (a while ago) we heard the story of Jesus’s loaves and fishes miracle. This is the story where there was a large crowd gathered to hear Jesus speak and there was not enough food for everyone. The disciples gathered food from the...
Room For Error

Room For Error

Reading Time: 4 minutes Every once in a while I read a book that I think everyone should read. I know that not everyone may love it as much as I do but this year the book that I truly want everyone to read is, The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth,...
What is your Money Story?

What is your Money Story?

Reading Time: 4 minutes This upcoming Wednesday, August 18th, 2021 I am co-hosting our first BookChat with some friends who are also fellow financial advisors. I would love for you to join us, even if you have not read the book, Wired for Wealth by Brad Klontz,...
The Slippery Slope

The Slippery Slope

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have recently come back from two wonderful and memorable family vacations. The vacations made me think about a common saying, “the slippery slope.” This is the concept that once you have already spent so much money, wasted so much time, or...
A Great Time To Refinance

A Great Time To Refinance

Reading Time: 3 minutes ​It has been a while since I have written a financial planning article but I felt the need to write about refinancing today. Many, if not most of you, may already know this, but it is important for those of you who don’t – right now is an...