Saving Strategies
This is the last article I will do in this “savings” series for a while since even I am ready to move onto something else…Hopefully you took some action to increase or start your automated savings. If you are now struggling with saving as much as you want...
How to Increase Your Savings
Savings is the key to financial success or achieving financial independence. So start right now. Take some action now to get your cash flow and savings moving in the right direction.I know this is not the most exciting article and it may not apply to...
What is the Magic Bullet for Financial Success?
Many people think there is some magic bullet or “secret” information that will help them achieve financial independence. (They also keep looking for the magic pill that will keep them thin or the miracle cream for beautiful young looking skin.)We all want...
What are your Necessities?
I will never forget an exercise I did at my religious pre-marriage retreat. Each person in the couple marked off items that we considered “necessities.” I said that a washer and dryer were necessities. My previous husband-to-be did not agree.Yes, I do...
The Two Sides of Money
My husband has been incredibly helpful and supportive in getting my business going. He was reading what I wrote for my “Change Your Money, Love Your Life Class.” He said, “You can’t really help people have more money in their life.” I reacted to this and...
What Is Your Money Story?
Most of us have what I call a “Money Story.” It is a story (or a few) that you remember from your childhood about money. Money is not something that many of us are taught about directly. It is something that we learn about by watching and listening to...
How is Your Relationship with Money?
How would you describe your relationship with money? Stop and really think about how you would answer that question. How do you view money? What are your feelings about it? You get bonus points if you put pen to paper and write down your answers. Every...
Why I Do What I Do – (Part 2) Financial Planning
I have volunteered and counseled women from a domestic violence center. The women were incredibly brave and courageous to leave their abusive relationships. Money worries were a common obstacle for them to leave. In this situation you SO want to tell them...
My 2020 Win
I spend a lot of time thinking. I am definitely an over-thinker and over-analyzer, just ask my husband. 🙂 I have been thinking about 2020 and what my “wins” were for the year. I was lucky enough to have a few, but my biggest win and the thing I am most proud of is...
Creating a Theme for 2021
2020 was a challenging year for most of us in various and unexpected ways. I love the idea of a new clean start. I realize it is more symbolic than anything else but if it helps, then let's take advantage of it. Happy New Year! For those of you who know me well, you...
2020 Year in Review
Wow, what a crazy year 2020 has been. We are approaching the end of this unique, memorable and historical year. Annually I take some time to think back on the past year and make note of some of the highlights and low lights. This year it feels more important than...
“Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle”
I know I am seeing and feeling more stress in myself and those around me. We all are going through and handling a lot these days – the pandemic, the election, racial injustice, working and schooling remotely, constant uncertainty and changes to name a few. I just...
What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?
Legacy generally means things you give or bequeath to others upon your death. It often has a connotation of wealth. I prefer to think of legacy more as how or who you will be remembered as, once you are gone. What will people say about you at your funeral? What will...
What Are Your Favorite Things To Do?
Think about it. How would you answer that? More importantly, are you doing them? Are you doing them as much as you would like to? Why or why not? How can you do MORE of your favorite activities? If you know me at all, you probably know that one of my favorite...
How Does Your Screen Time Affect You?
I chose to write about screen time today because it affects our happiness. It has similar patterns and ideas related to habits and money (and other areas of your life) that I wanted to share and discuss today. I was listening to The Happiness Lab podcast and they had...
What is Your Reason For Getting Out of Bed In The Morning?
My husband and I were discussing the “number” concept because some of our friends were talking about their specific numbers. Everyone’s number is different so be sure you don’t base your number on other people’s numbers. I asked my husband if he has a number. I...
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