What Does Money Mean to You?

What Does Money Mean to You?

As a continuation of last week’s article, today I would like for you to examine and question how you think of money and what your money beliefs are.Money is neither good nor bad. Rather it is our beliefs that lead us to view money as good or bad.Becoming...

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The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief

What is a Belief?A belief is the acceptance of something as true, or thinking that something could be true as a fact. Beliefs are essentially judgments and evaluations about ourselves, others and the world around us. All of us have beliefs that serve as...

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Are You A Maximizer?

Are You A Maximizer?

I have always known I was a maximizer. I would agonize over what to wear to school each day until it was time to walk out the door. It goes hand in hand with my over analyzing and over thinking most things, (maybe everything?). It is related to my indecisiveness and...

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The Next Phase

The Next Phase

This weekend marks the year anniversary of the “shutdown.” The day the world stopped. We were not allowed to go anywhere - no playgrounds, no stores, no work, no schools, no friends just your own home. We didn’t know how long it would last. At first, we thought maybe...

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Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

​ My "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life Class" through the Princeton Adult School will start remotely on March 4, 2021.  Habits truly are important for all aspects of our lives. In honor of my class, here is an article about habits from a couple of years ago....

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My Theme for 2021

My Theme for 2021

I have struggled to come up with my theme for this year. I feel like it is more challenging than usual.  I really wanted to go with “Less Is More” again. It was my theme back in 2018 and I still feel like that is a desired focus for me and very much what I want for...

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A Success Habit (In a New Light)

A Success Habit (In a New Light)

Related to my article last week, I interviewed an impressive woman who is involved in the Catholic Church. She grew up going to Catholic schools and, from my perspective, lives a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life. She made it sound easy, (almost too easy) to be...

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