Money and Happiness – 2. Make It A Treat
This is the second article in a series on how to increase your happiness with how you spend your money. These concepts come from the book, Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. The second concept is, Make it a Treat. I am...
Money and Happiness: 1. Buy Experiences
I am “all about” people, myself included, living happier, and more joy filled lives. I want my expertise to be around money AND happiness. If you read my article last week, I said that studies show that more money generally does not correlate to MORE happiness. Yet...
WHY Do You Want More Money?
These articles are usually questions that I ask myself. The past couple of weeks I have been pondering this question. Do I / we want more money? If we had more money, what would we do with it? Would that make us any happier? Can we start doing any of those things...
Is Your Financial House In Order?
October is Financial Planning month. (In addition to Breast Cancer Awareness and Emotional Wellness month and probably many others that I don't know about.) Here is a quick Financial Planning list to review and see if you may need to update or spend some time on your...
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
I am wishing you and your loved ones a truly wonderful and relaxing Labor Day Weekend! I hope you can enjoy the last few days of summer. I always view the start of school as the "REAL" new year since it is filled with so many changes. What changes do you want to...
Do You Have A “Number”?
I am assuming you have seen the commercial that shows people walking around carrying a “number”. This number represents the amount of money someone wants or needs in order to “retire.” I haven’t written about finances or money in a long while but today I am. Many...
Financial Trouble
This is the last article I will write about finances and divorce, at least for a while, but I still felt like I had a little more to say on this topic. Of course everything is always better if we are proactive and doing the right thing with our finances...
Financial Tips for a Divorce
After my last article on Surviving Divorce, a wise friend sent me a reminder to add to the list - “get someone to sit down with you and organize your financial life - the assets you are to receive, the debt you may have accumulated over time leading up to...
I feel like I am still (always?) trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Does anyone else feel this way? Part of me feels like this is a good thing and should always be true if we want to keep learning and growing and discovering new things. Another...
Ten Things Saving My Life Right Now
I am a big fan of Modern Mrs. Darcy and her recommendations. (It has contributed to my having way too many books on my want to read list.) Every February at the half way point of winter, Modern Mrs Darcy does a post of what is saving her life right now. I decided I...
My Theme for 2022
My theme for 2022 is: “Notice and Create Joy (when(ever) possible)”. I thought about just choosing the one word “JOY” or “Be Joyful” but both of these felt too big and too pie in the sky for me. I know I can’t be joyful all the time and those shorter themes felt more...
Creating a Theme for 2022
2021 was another challenging year for most of us in various and unexpected ways. I feel like most of us thought things would be better by now yet the numbers are currently very high. Big Sigh. One of my lessons from last year was learning to accept on what I can and...
I remember as a child the excitement of Christmas. Christmas was a HUGE deal in my family with 7 children. It was over the top. We did so many things and had so many traditions building up to, and on the big day. I remember feeling like it was an eternity between...
The Importance of Change
I was recently journaling and thinking about change. Fall is a great time for noticing changes... Change is constant and unavoidable. It is a fact of life and also a fact of death. Even in death, the body decomposes and changes. There are so many variables and aspects...
The New Phase
My son asked me this week if we can burn our masks when COVID is over. Sigh. I was not sure what to say. I had so many thoughts go through my head. I am not sure there will be an over or a declared “over”. I am afraid masks may be around to stay forever. I truly did...
The Healthy Minds Program®
Today’s article is my form of a service announcement. I have been struggling with my mental wellbeing. Other members of my family and some friends have too. With COVID and all the uncertainty, changes, and risks, this is not surprising. I consider myself lucky to have...
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