PLAY! is my Theme for 2025

PLAY! is my Theme for 2025

Every year I try to decide on what word or theme I want for the new year. I have been doing this for a couple of decades now. Here are some past posts (2024) and a podcast where we discuss choosing a theme for the year. I love going back and reading what I wrote for...

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Favorite Things

Favorite Things

A good friend of mine throws a “Favorite Things” Party every year. The idea for this party is that a group of friends all choose their favorite thing from the past year and buys enough of them to give it as a gift to everyone at the party. You walk away with gifts...

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Why We Hired a Financial Planner

Why We Hired a Financial Planner

For me, it all started with seeing Carl Richards speak at a conference. I am a huge Carl Richards fan and he did not disappoint. I love his messages and valuable insights. (On a side note, Carl Richards has a new podcast that I highly recommend, “50 Fires: Money and...

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The Start Of A New School Year

The Start Of A New School Year

I am having a hard time believing that the summer is quickly coming to a close. Yes, I know many of my friends and family in other parts of the country have already started going back to school. We still have a few more precious weeks here and go back the day after...

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Why Do I Push Myself?

Why Do I Push Myself?

I had a wonderful visit with a good friend. At the end of our time together, she asked me, “Why do you push yourself so hard?” I keep thinking about this question. First off, I was surprised to have her ask me this. Previously in the conversation, I was honestly...

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Keep Showing Up

Keep Showing Up

“Keep Showing up” is a common thought that keeps going through my head lately. Depending on the moment, I feel like I am in varying degrees of struggle and I don’t think I am the only one. I truly believe that if you keep showing up and doing your best you will...

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The Loaves and Fishes Miracle

The Loaves and Fishes Miracle

In church (a while ago) we heard the story of Jesus’s loaves and fishes miracle. This is the story where there was a large crowd gathered to hear Jesus speak and there was not enough food for everyone. The disciples gathered food from the crowd. It was not much, a few...

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My Theme for 2024

My Theme for 2024

For those of you who know me, or have been receiving these emails from me, you know that I create a Theme or choose a word each year. I have written about this a lot. Tina and I talk about creating a theme on our latest episode of Messy Middlescence. Here is a good...

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The Happiest Day by Linda Pastan

The Happiest Day by Linda Pastan

It was early May, I thinka moment of lilac or dogwoodwhen so many promises are madeit hardly matters if a few are broken.My mother and father still hoveredin the background, part of the scenerylike the houses I had grown up in,and if they would be torn down laterthat...

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My Daily Prayer / Meditation

My Daily Prayer / Meditation

Every morning I start my day with the following prayer / meditation. It is very simple. I think about: Opening my mind, heart, and soul. Connecting my mind, heart, and soul. Freeing my mind, heart and soul. Here are some of the details… I start with imagining my mind...

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Introducing Messy Middlescence

Introducing Messy Middlescence

“All my life I’ve been searching for something…” Foo Fighters Ever since I was a little girl, I feel like I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. What was MY THING? How can I figure it out??? Sometimes my dreams were BIG (and maybe...

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Do You Believe In Magic?

Do You Believe In Magic?

Do You Believe In Magic? I took an archetype personality test and one of the questions was “Do you believe in magic? (on a scale of 1-5)” I later asked my husband and sons this question at dinner. The conversation was so interesting that I am now wanting to ask others...

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Letting Go vs. Keep Showing Up

Letting Go vs. Keep Showing Up

Although I agree with and love my “Keep Showing Up” mantra I feel the need to expand upon this idea further. A valid question I have heard from others, and I often have myself, is when or how do you know when to let go and STOP showing up? Is it time to quit? How do...

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“Braiding Sweetgrass”

“Braiding Sweetgrass”

If you know me, you know that reading is one of my favorite things to do. I want to share books that I think are worthy of your precious time. Once again I have a book that I think everyone should read. It is called Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific...

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