What Is Good Controversy?

What Is Good Controversy?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I am not comfortable with conflict. I very much shy away from any controversy. My personality and one of my issues is that I am a people pleaser. I do not like to see people upset, so this concept of desiring “good controversy” sounded...
How To Be A Better Negotiator

How To Be A Better Negotiator

Reading Time: 3 minutes I am currently reading, Adam Grant’s new book, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What you Don’t Know. In the book he presents a chapter on what successful expert negotiators do differently. I thought this was worth sharing since this is useful...
How Do We Find Our Sweet Spots?

How Do We Find Our Sweet Spots?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I often think about the “fine” line between two extremes such as: Rethinking versus over analyzing Going with the flow and slowing down versus being lazy or complacent Feeling your feelings versus wallowing Saving money versus being a scrooge...
Are You A Maximizer?

Are You A Maximizer?

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have always known I was a maximizer. I would agonize over what to wear to school each day until it was time to walk out the door. It goes hand in hand with my over analyzing and over thinking most things, (maybe everything?). It is related to...