Ten Things Saving My Life Right Now

Ten Things Saving My Life Right Now

Reading Time: 4 minutes I am a big fan of Modern Mrs. Darcy and her recommendations. (It has contributed to my having way too many books on my want to read list.) Every February at the half way point of winter, Modern Mrs Darcy does a post of what is saving her life...
My Theme for 2022

My Theme for 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes My theme for 2022 is: “Notice and Create Joy (when(ever) possible)”. I thought about just choosing the one word “JOY” or “Be Joyful” but both of these felt too big and too pie in the sky for me. I know I can’t be joyful all the time and those...
Creating a Theme for 2022

Creating a Theme for 2022

Reading Time: 5 minutes 2021 was another challenging year for most of us in various and unexpected ways. I feel like most of us thought things would be better by now yet the numbers are currently very high. Big Sigh. One of my lessons from last year was learning to...


Reading Time: 5 minutes I remember as a child the excitement of Christmas. Christmas was a HUGE deal in my family with 7 children. It was over the top. We did so many things and had so many traditions building up to, and on the big day. I remember feeling like it was...
The Importance of Change

The Importance of Change

Reading Time: 4 minutes I was recently journaling and thinking about change. Fall is a great time for noticing changes… Change is constant and unavoidable. It is a fact of life and also a fact of death. Even in death, the body decomposes and changes. There are...