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My husband has been incredibly helpful and supportive in getting my business going. He was reading what I wrote for my “Change Your Money, Love Your Life Class.” He said, “You can’t really help people have more money in their life.” I reacted to this and thought, “Yes, I really can help people have more money in their life!”

I believe that for two reasons:

1) I can help you change your limiting beliefs or “story” around money. If you can change your mental state, your “story” and beliefs about money, everything will change.

Our limiting beliefs become our self-fulfilling prophecies. We get what we expect from ourselves, from others and therefore from life. Unless you have changed a limiting belief you may not believe it is possible or fully understand the difference it can make. I can tell you based on my own experience and working with clients that changing a limiting belief can really rock your world and make huge changes happen very quickly.

Most of us know what we should do, so why don’t we do it? That is the big question. Usually we self-sabotage ourselves and don’t do what we know we should because of limiting beliefs.

2) I have the financial knowledge and expertise to help you know what you really SHOULD be doing financially. What are your values and priorities? What do you care about? Your money (and time) should reflect these. Your financial advisor should know and care about that for you too. I would love to help you get your financial ducks in a row – beyond just the common knowledge and beyond just the numbers.

I work with both the emotional AND the practical side of money. Both are important and work together. Not many people work on both sides and have the complete understanding of money and its special role in your unique life. I am unusual because I work on both aspects of money and feel that is the most powerful way to make changes and get results. I would LOVE to know how many financial plans have been written and created and then just sit on a bookshelf for years with no action taken.

My mission is to help you get clear on what you want and help you take empowering action with your money and achieving your life goals.

I truly believe that money is just a tool to help you live the life you want. It is not just a number and not a competition to get to a higher number in your bank account.

I want to get you out of fear and avoidance and procrastination and into action, i.e. making positive changes so that money is something you feel confident and empowered about. I want everyone to enjoy their money. I want you to enjoy where you are with your money and how money plays a positive role in your life.

Wishing you the best,

P.S. If you are interested in changing your relationship with money and want to start taking financial action, please consider my class – Change Your Money, Love your Life Program. It deals with both the practical and emotional sides of money. I would love to have you join us!