Reading Time: 2 minutes

Wow, what a crazy year 2020 has been.  We are approaching the end of this unique, memorable and historical year.

Annually I take some time to think back on the past year and make note of some of the highlights and low lights.  This year it feels more important than ever to take the time to do this. I appreciate the achievements and positive changes that have occurred and also what are the lessons from the things that did not go so well.

What I recommend and want you to do is to set aside some time, make an appointment, or several, with yourself to think about and answer these questions or others that you come up with to reflect on the past year. I highly recommend that you write your answers down.

Here is an initial list of questions to consider for a personal year in review:

  • Did you have a theme or motto for 2020? If so, how did it show up for you? How did it help you? Do you remember why you chose that theme? (You may want to start thinking about your theme for 2021.)
  • What were some of your favorite highlights from the year?
  • What were some of your biggest learnings from the year?
  • What achievements are you most proud of this past year?
  • What things would you like to continue doing next year or after the pandemic?
  • What positive habits have you started or created this past year? (What positive habits would you like to create next year?)
  • What negative habits have you started and would like to stop?
  • Who are your new friends or what relationships have grown this year?
  • What new activities did you try this year? What new activities would you like to try next year?
  • What was your favorite purchase of the year?
  • What skills did you work on and improve on this year?
  • Did you start any new rituals this year?
  • What was your favorite book of the year?
  • What makes you happy and adds joy to your life?
  • What are you looking forward to next year?
  • What are you ready to let go of and leave behind in 2020?

I know there is still so much uncertainty right now but think about what you want and then take some steps to do what you can to start building towards whatever it is you need and want right now.

Just taking some time to self-reflect can help you appreciate yourself and all that you have been through and accomplished this past year. Hopefully it will add lead to some personal growth and additional joy in your life.

I would love to hear what you do for your personal annual review and any of your answers to the above questions that you are willing to share.

P.S. Another reflective exercise that I love is:

To rate my life (at this moment) on a scale of 1-10 in the four main life areas (from Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans.)

  • Work
  • Health
  • Love
  • Play

Rate each area on a scale of 1-10 and describe why it is that number.

What area (work, health, love, or play) in your life would you like to focus on? What can you do to move your number higher in a certain area?