I love to learn. I especially love to learn about myself and also others. I want to understand how we each think and work, and then use that information to do things better and make our lives better.
I have taken many self-assessments – StrengthsFinder™, Myers-Briggs, the Character Strengths Test, DISC, and probably more than a few others. One self-assessment that I recently took is called the Kolbe ATM Index. This one was new to me.
This assessment is not science based, so it has not been researched in the academic world but it has been successfully used by many who support the results and find it of value.
The Kolbe ATM Index was created by Kathy Kolbe. She talks and writes about conation in her book, Conative Connection: Uncovering the Link Between Who You Are and How You Perform.
Conation is how you prefer or naturally like to get things done. It is the achievement aspect of ability. The creative process begins with a person’s most dominant conative action mode. It is different than cognitive abilities (intelligence) or affective traits (personality or how you feel).
There are four conative action modes:
- Fact Finder
- Follow Thru
- Quick Start
- Implementor
Here is my summary of each of them. I pulled this information from the book:
Fact Finder – Is precise, judicious, and thorough. This mode likes to deal with detail and complexity, seeking to be both objective and appropriate. They are keen at observing and at gathering information. People who lead with this mode sometimes discover that information and facts mean more to them than others. A common issue for someone who is high in fact finding is that they want to keep looking for and wanting more data which can lead to “Analysis Paralysis.”
A Fact Finder has an instinct to probe and gather information.
To switch into Fact Finder mode ask, “What is the #1 thing I’m trying to accomplish?” What do I want to know?
Stress for people high in this mode comes from not having enough information or when your quest for specificity and clarification are inhibited.
Follow Thru – Is methodical and systematic, focused and structured. They like order and efficiency. They are meticulous at planning, programming and design. Predictability is essential to their well-being. Their need for order can get out of hand, according to others who resist this mode.
Someone high in Follow Thru is always making a list and checking it twice. (This definitely describes me!) 🙂
People strong in Follow Thru have an instinct to create and notice patterns.
To switch to this mode ask, “How will I know when I’m done?”
Stress for people high in this mode comes from lack of closure, not having a sense of completion, too many unfinished projects, and not enough routine or structure in their life.
Quick Start – has an affinity towards risk. They are often spontaneous and intuitive, flexible and fluent with ideas. They are more deadline and crisis oriented. They need an atmosphere of challenge and change and sometimes can be impatient.
People high in Quick Start have a natural instinct to innovate and try new things.
To switch into Quick start ask, “What is the exception?”
Stress for high quick starters comes from being held back, from not having enough challenges, not being able to take risks and heed their sense of adventure, and not being able to act intuitively.
Implementor – hands on and craft oriented. Brings a tangible quality to actions. They have a strong sense of 3d form and deal with the concrete and physical objects.
Implementors have an instinct to demonstrate.
To get someone to switch into Implementor mode, you want to ask, “How can I show it?”
Stress is caused by being physically confined for people high in Implementor. Not having the freedom to work with their hands, not having the quality tools to work with or having to lend those tools to others creates stress for them.
If you take the Kolbe ATM Index test it costs $55 (https://secure.kolbe.com/k2/show_takeIndex/indexType_A). Your results show you a number in each of the four action modes in the order listed above.
A high number result is between 7-10 and indicates that you naturally initiate action from that mode. This is where you want to be most of the time. This is where you instinctively soar and go to naturally.
A medium number is between 4-6. With numbers in this range you respond to an action. You easily go with the flow. You do not naturally start with this action mode but you don’t resist it and feel stress with it either.
A low number result in an action mode is between 1-3. This means that you naturally prevent or want to fight against those actions. You will procrastinate doing something with this action mode. You don’t want to act that way if given a choice.
Obviously, you want to know where your highest number is. This is your main or leading action mode. The mode with the 2nd highest number puts a different spin on the first and how you best work because of how the two modes work together.
I am an 8823 which means I scored an 8 (high) in Fact Finder and Follow Thru and low in Quick Start and Implementor. Even though both Fact Finder and Follow Thru showed as the same high number, I feel like I lead more with Follow Through than Fact Finder.
Most work related problems are conative. Either a person’s strengths don’t match with the expectations of the role or there may be conflict from HOW people think something should be done based on their strongest action mode.
To have a successful team and company, you need to have enough diversity so that all four areas are represented. If everyone on a team is too similar, you will get along but then you will eventually not make much progress because you all do the same thing and stay there. Each action mode has a contribution to make. The problem is when people vary a lot in how they want to do things, conflict occurs.
A “facilitator” according to the Kolbe ATM Index is someone who has medium numbers in all four action modes. They do not initiate nor prevent in any mode. They are adaptable and a very important supporting player because they can be the intermediary between the extremes and easily go with the flow. They are cooperative and help create effective team solutions. But they are rare, with only 10% of the population having this unique score or capability.
I am sharing this self-assessment because it was interesting and valuable for me. It gives me clarity and words to describe how I work best and what comes most naturally to me. I know that in my life I want to do things that are aligned with my strengths and for myself and others to recognize ahead of time where I will resist and procrastinate or lose energy. If I were hiring people to work with me, I would want to know their Kolbe ATM Index score. Plus, I think it is fun (and helpful) to know more about yourself and others. 🙂
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